
This is a vital tool for the success of our programs, HIFASS has progressively engaged in different levels of advocacy; Global, Regional and National. HIFASS’ advocacy aims to reduce the human and economic burden of HIV/AIDS by influencing people, policy and systems to bring about sustainable change. We work in a number of ways to achieve this by attending and partaking in various congresses and conferences. HIFASS has also used Health Diplomacy as an instrument of strategic policy advocacy with both political and military leadership that is beneficial to both military and civilian populations as well as to regional integration (ECOWAS) and global stability.

Community Health Services/Outreaches

As part of a holistic approach to making basic health care available to all, HIFASS organizes and participates in outreach programs, health fairs and other related activities at the community level to complement its other humanitarian services. HIFASS sponsors and also collaborates with several partners to carry out various awareness and community outreach activities. Some of our community activities include;

  • Prevention education, counseling and testing of HIV, Malaria and diabetics in TRADOC Niger State and Shittu-Alao Barracks in Nasarawa State.
  • A day healthy living awareness program with the senior officers of the Nigerian Police Force at the Force headquarters. HIV, malaria, blood sugar and prostate tests were carried out during the program for interested participants.
  • Awareness campaign and malaria testing during World Malaria Day.
  • HIV awareness campaign and testing during World AIDS Day.
  • Awareness campaign and health talks on non-communicable diseases during World Health Day.
  • Collaborating with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) through the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) to give support on TB activities in Nigeria. Also, to joining other stakeholders with the support of Break Through ACTION-Nigeria (BA-N), a USAID-funded project to develop and implement the use of national Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) guidelines for TB in Nigeria.
Health Systems Strengthening

HIFASS strives to make high quality health care available to people around military formations in Nigeria. Some of the greatest barriers to increasing access to essential health care are health worker staffing, infrastructure, health commodities, logistics, monitoring and evaluation and effective financing. HIFASS uses the human resource entry point to focus on effectively expanding access to good quality health services thereby contributing to the human resource workforce goal which is to get the right workers with the right skills in the right place with the right tools doing the right things. We work in close cooperation with local governments, health officials, and other public and private partners to identify needs and implement lasting solutions. 

Health Manpower Management

HIFASS has the capacity to recruit people best suited to fill the position required, train them, develop their careers, ensure that they are appropriately motivated and compensated. HIFASS maintains a data bank of all prospective applicants in all professions relevant to public health. For Over 10 years, HIFASS has provided manpower and associated technical support to PEPFAR HIV/AIDS program in Nigeria and furthermore played a critical role in the management of personnel services.

Research Programs

Over the years, HIFASS has participated and contributed to HIV related researches on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. These include RV 230, RV 288, RV 329/352, RV 368, RV406, PEPFAR MAIN, and operational research titled “The model of decentralization of ART services and their level of effectiveness in Nigeria”

Orphans and Vulnerable Children Services

As HIFASS expands its contribution to health services delivery and safety, the development of new strategies and involvement in areas requiring service to the grass roots, particularly at the family level, has become necessary. HIFASS has therefore embraced the opportunity presented by its long standing capacity focus in HIV care to be part of the efforts to provide good quality sustainable OVC care.


HIFASS conducts several trainings in health related areas;

  • HIFASS has collaborated with Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN) to conduct Continuing Professional Development (CPD) rated training for Medical Laboratory Technician and Assistants in Oyo, Lagos, Cross-river and Kaduna states.
  • HIFASS organized one-day symposium on sustainability of health programs-HIV in focus-to evaluate the extent of ownership of military HIV program and propose recommendations for its sustainability
  • Conducted training on standard precaution and making medical injection safe for health care workers in 4 military formations in Benue State